Saturday, 28 November 2015

Kerala to Intensify Fight Against Online Child Sex Racket Under Operation 'Big Daddy'

Rahul and Resmi rose to fame after organizing Kiss of Love protests in Kerala, which were to protest against the rising incidents of moral policing

Two days after Kerala police busted an online sex racket involving 'Kiss of Love' organisers, it is getting ready to intensify their drive against flesh trade through internet under operation 'Big Daddy'.
As part of the state-wide operation, carried out with the support of cyber police, five members of an online sex trafficking gang have landed in police custody last month and 13 of another group, comprising 'Kiss of Love' organiser-couple Rahul Pasupalan and Reshmi, on Wednesday.
Besides ensuring the safety of children in the society including in the family, school, tuition class or any other public place, the operation 'Big Daddy' is also envisaged to check the trafficking of minors from other states for flesh trade by anti-social elements.
State DGP T P Senkumar said the operation 'Big Daddy' was launched three months ago with an aim to check the abuse of children using online platforms.
"The safety and security of children has become a major concern in this era of internet. Operation Big Daddy is a vigilant step from the side of Kerala police to ensure the safety of children. We are planning to intensify it now," he told PTI.
The police chief said children, parents or any others can pass on information about any kind of abuse or exploitation to the police through his official Facebook page or police website or by contacting designated officials.
Earlier, Senkumar wrote in his Facebook page that the operation 'Big Daddy' was all set to intervene in any issues of children which they faced in home, school or public places and protect them.
He said a special police team with the support of cyber police held five-members of an online sex racket last month for alleged posting of obscene comments and pictures against women and children on some Facebook pages and free classified sites like Locanto.
Based on the information got from them, the other online sex racket was busted, he said.
As many as 13 persons including 'Kiss of Love' organisers Rahul and Reshmi were arrested in simultaneous raids conducted in various parts of the state on Wednesday.
                                                      - News from

Saturday, 7 November 2015

Why Premarital Sex is wrong ?

Dear Friends,

Let me start addressing this topic by associating the taboo of premarital sex with another analogous taboo. But before that let me make it clear that I will not deal this question from a religious or moral point of view; the point of view that I am going to take is that of promoting human life.

The taboo of premarital sex is quite akin to the taboo of incest. Ask yourself - Is incest wrong? Today, most of us (including me, of course) will say- yes, it is wrong. But why is it wrong? Let us keep all the religious reasons, if any, aside. Science has made it abundantly clear that reproduction undertaken by people closely related by blood can result in children with congenital birth defects. 

Human civilizations observed it long ago. But incest was once a ubiquitous fact among human beings, just as it has always been in animal kingdom. So the society had to deal with the problem. For the prosperity of human civilization, incest had to be eradicated. But even after knowing the horrible results of incest, human beings often fell prey to lust even within families. As a result of that, there emerged, in every human civilization all over the planet, the taboo of/against incest. Societies made incestuous behavior appear immoral, and those who indulged in it were made to be seen as people of loose moral character and were disowned. People do it even today, when they swear at someone, calling them - mother f**ker, bhen c**d (sorry for using absurd words), they empower the taboo of incest. The taboo of incest has done wonders. It has eradicated incest from societies to such a great extent that most of us are so disgusted by incest that we do not even let the idea of incest cross our mind.

Suppose societies did not create this taboo, and instead introduced condom, asking all those wanting to involve in incestuous sex use condoms so that they don't reproduce while still enjoy the act. Would the problem have been properly addressed? No. People would have skipped condoms (just as they do today in the wake of HIV danger) and the problem of incest would have persisted. Incest must be dealt as taboo, that's the most effective solution available to the human civilization for dealing with this problem. Now let us move on to the problem of premarital sex.

Due to many Sexually Transmitted Diseases that human civilization confronts today, it is necessary that integrity in sexual relationships is favored, while infidelity is loathed. 
To promote and nurture integrity within sexual relationships, the institution of marriage is created. The institution of marriage makes sure that fidelity to sexual relationships is socially binding. In a society which permits sexual intercourse only within this institution, people (who are serious about their health and are wary of dangers of promiscuity) are less likely to get cheated into sex by sexual omnivores. 

All those actions ( such as premarital sex,rape, adultery) that are detrimental to the strength of the institution of marriage must be dealt as taboos. Humanity must unite against them. Condoms, pills cannot and have failed to properly address the problem of STDs. The solution lies in taming the animalistic nature of human desire.   I am a moral philosopher and I do believe in right or wrong.And at present I am right.And awaring the people for the right cause to Say '' No to Sex Before Marriage''.There are many moral reasons behind this revolution but I don't want to mention them right now.Hope now you all know came to know why I started this revolution. (Please forward this blog to your friends and ask them to join and promote this revolution for the bright future of your country)#RevolutionaryGBU  #NoSEXbeforeMarriage  #AvoidPremaritalSex  

Friday, 14 August 2015

Why would you say there's nothing wrong in premarital sex?

If there's nothing wrong, then why the following are considered wrong?

1. Sex outside of marriage
2. Incest
3. Sex with a prostitute or anyone

We can now have protected sex with condoms and if both agree, there shouldn't be anything wrong with the above three.

Sex outside of marriage should be fine if we are having it for fun and we are loyal to our partner. It would be 'conservatism' if our partner still doubt on our love.

Incest. There should be nothing wrong with this if the two agree. We have condoms and we won't have any harmful disease.

Why these all are considered a taboo? If they are a taboo, why premarital sex isn't a taboo?

Please think about it and I hope that you all came to the conclusion that SEX Before Marriage i.e Premarital Sex should be avoided.

Tuesday, 4 August 2015

SEX Before Marriage is WRONG..!!!!!

We have considered ten practical reasons why you should avoid sex before marriage which are coming soon in upcoming Blog. But there is one reason that is more important than all those ten reasons (in upcoming Blog): It is wrong!

It is wrong because God says it is sin. Nothing can change that. Sin is that which is contrary to God’s will. God has said that all sex outside of marriage is sin. Sex between two unmarried people is called “fornication.” It is one of the most damaging sins. The Bible says,
Flee fornication...he that commits fornication sins against his own body
(1 Corinthians 6:18).
God says that all forms of normal or perverted sex outside of marriage are sin. People say, “Times have changed,” but God has not changed, nor has He changed His mind about these things. The Bible says,
“Marriage is honorable in all, and the marriage bed undefiled: but fornicators and adulterers God will judge”                               (Hebrews 13:4).
“Do not be deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind [homosexuals]…shall inherit the kingdom of God”       (1 Corinthians 6:9,10).

GOD Wants Us To Have The BEST

Many young people do not understand why God tells us not to engage in sex before marriage. Some even think that God does not want us to enjoy sex, but this is not true at all.
The truth is that God gave commandments concerning sex, not to keep us from enjoying it, but in order that we might enjoy sex to the fullest and over the longest period of time.
To illustrate what we mean, let us think about trains. Some of the fastest trains in the world are in Japan. These trains regularly run at 120 miles per hour and at times they hit 155 miles per hour!

How can these trains attain such speeds? The reason is that they run on tracks that are superbly designed and skillfully built. The tracks enable these trains to run at their maximum speed.
Suppose one of these trains would say, “I’m tired of running on these old tracks. They are too restricting. I want to be free to go where I want to go and do what I want to do.” So this train jumps the tracks and heads out across a rice paddy.
This train is truly free now— no longer bound by those tracks. Yes, it is free all right, but it is not running at 120 miles an hour. In fact, it is not running at all. Instead, it is lying there in the mud. And that is where it will remain until a power greater than it picks it up, cleans it up, and puts it back on the tracks.
That is the way it is with sex. God has laid down “tracks”—not to keep you from enjoying sex, but that you might enjoy sex to the fullest and over the longest period of time in marriage. Satan offers you the thrill of “jumping the tracks,” but you end up in the mud.
If it is God’s plan for you to be married, He has just the right person in mind for you. When you walk down the aisle on your wedding day to seal your vows before a holy God, you will be glad that you kept yourself pure.
Someone reading this may be saying, “I have already jumped the tracks. Is there any hope for me?”
Yes, there is hope for you! Jesus Christ can pick you up out of the mud of your sins and failures, clean you up, and put you back on the tracks.


On one occasion, some religious leaders brought to Jesus a woman who was guilty of adultery. They threw this woman at the feet of Jesus and said, “Teacher, this woman was caught in adultery, in the very act. Now Moses, in the law, commanded that she should be put to death by throwing stones at her. But what do you say?”
These men did not care about this woman. They were simply using her as a means of getting Jesus into trouble. If Jesus said, “Do not stone her,” He would be going against the law of Moses. If He said, “Put her to death,” He would be in trouble with the Roman government.
GOD did not answer them right away. He kneeled down and began writing in the sand. When these men continued to press Jesus for a decision, He stood up and said, “He who is without sin among you, let him throw the first stone.”
Those who heard Him were convicted by their consciences and left, one by one. Jesus forgave this woman of her sins and said to her, “Go and sin no more.”

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

#5. Five Myths About People Who Wait Until Marriage to Have Sex

#5 – All people who wait are preachy hypocrites

The Myth

Lots of young people try to wait until marriage and then give up. There are some personalities that were never really compatible with the whole idea of waiting. When somebody with an incompatible personality tries to force themselves to wait, they often do so using very harsh language in their own minds. They beat and chastise themselves into doing what they have become convinced is proper. And when they are challenged on it, they lash out and lecture others using all the harsh words they use against themselves.
They become the preachy, holier-than-thou types that everybody hates. And then, because their whole decision is based on fear and repression, they cave, over and over again. One minute they’ll be calling some girl a slut, and the next minute they’ll be having sex in the church bathroom, and then two days later they’ll be chastising themselves for it and lashing out at others again.
One day, they hurtfully condemn one of their classmates who happens to be a future Hollywood screenwriter, or the friend of a future screenwriter. And then that writer grows up to make movies and TV shows portraying abstinent people as cruel hypocrites; her revenge against her High School tormentors. The writer’s passionately vicious portrayal sticks in the minds of moviegoers, and helps solidify the stereotype of an abstinent person.

The Reality

There’s a vast difference between people who say they’re waiting till marriage in high school, and those who continue to maintain their decision after they’ve graduated. The latter are the real waiters. And those tend to be very sweet, kindhearted people, not angry preachy types.
As mentioned above, it is often the people who fail miserably at waiting who are the most vocal about it. The successful waiters, the ones who survive high school with their decision intact, who are kind and unpreachy and don’t judge others for their own actions…those people tend to keep their decision to themselves. But we are the silent majority when it comes to waiting till marriage.

#4. Five Myths About People Who Wait Until Marriage to Have Sex

#4 – People who wait are total prudes

The Myth

This one goes along with the myth that waiters don’t have sex drives. People assume that those who wait are prudish and uptight about sex. In terms of dating, people assume that a virgin will recoil in horror and slap them in the face at the slightest physical advance. God forbid you do actually marry a person who is waiting, because they’ll probably be totally boring in the bedroom.

The Reality

Most people who wait do not view sex as ugly or bad — quite the opposite. Waiting till marriage is not an act of reducing or demonizing sex; it is an act of elevating it and holding it as more meaningful. Most people who wait have all the same sexual desires as non-waiters. They just require a higher price for unlocking that part of them: meaning and commitment.

#3. Five Myths About People Who Wait Until Marriage to Have Sex

#3 – Oh you’re waiting? You must not have a sex drive.

The Myth

For somebody who regularly lets their sexual urges rule them, it can seem strange and totally unthinkable that there could be people out there who willfully ignore and redirect those urges. So strange, in fact, that such people must not really exist. Surely, nobody with a normal sex drive could muster the will to hold it at bay until marriage…they must just have a lower-than-normal sex drive. They must not be interested in sex. They must be frigid in some way.

The Reality

As most people on this site can assure you, people who wait until marriage have hormones and sex drives that rage just as hard as everybody else’s. The difference is that people who wait have prioritized (to the extreme) the desires of their heart and mind over that physical side of them. As much as possible, people who wait strive to redirect that part of themselves into productive ambitions until they meet the right person, at which point they can let the beast out of the cage.

#2. Five Myths About People Who Wait Until Marriage to Have Sex

#2 – Only super-religious people wait until marriage

The Myth

People only wait until marriage because their pastor, their church, and their backwards, outdated religion tells them that they’re going to hell if they don’t. Really, we should feel bad for people who wait because their ultra-religious upbringing is suppressing their natural urges in an unhealthy way.

The Reality

While it’s true that the majority of waiters attend some sort of religious services, that’s not universal, and those who are religious aren’t always the “bad” type of religious (overbearing, pushy, preachy). As Leo’s recent article on Atheism and waiting proves, waiting till marriage is not always a purely-religious decision. Waiting till marriage is a cause that can appeal to people of all faiths, and those with none.

#1. Five Myths About People Who Wait Until Marriage to Have Sex

#1 – People who claim they’re waiting are actually just ugly losers who can’t get laid

The Myth

Normal, attractive people don’t wait until marriage. Anybody who claims that they’re waiting is probably just an ugly losers/social outcast who can’t find anybody to have sex with. They tell other people (and themselves) that they are waiting till marriage to feel better about nobody wanting them.

The Reality

Most people decide to wait until marriage in their mid-to-late teens, right around the time when the opportunity to have sex starts to close in on them for the first time. It is this pressure — the very real, immediate possibility of having sex — that forces the person to decide how the feel about the issue. Without the opportunity, there would be little reason for people to worry about making a decision.
Moreover, one of the biggest challenges for those who wait is resisting opportunity throughout their lives. If you don’t believe me, read the comments on this site. Most of them mention pressures and over-abundance of opportunities much more than they mention loneliness.
Waiting till marriage is a mental decision that comes from a particular personality type. It has little to do with physical appearance. There are people who wait at all levels of physical attractiveness, from Quasimodo to Supermodel.
There are such things as unattractive, socially awkward people who have trouble finding partners. But in my experience, such people are more likely to be desperate types who make lots of bad sexual decisions because of their low self esteem.

Thursday, 29 January 2015

#11. Breaking the Mold - Awesome Benifit Of Waiting Till Marriage.

#11. Breaking the Mold

Einstein said that the definition of insanity was “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
Think of all the things in this age that are the same: Most people have sex before marriage. For most people, the divorce rate is increasing day by day. Most people complain of frigid, bland marriages that are sad, neutered versions of their pre-marriage relationships. Most people follow the rules and the norms of everyone around them, and as a consequence are carried through similar paths and predictable milestones, both good and bad. But not you.

You have stepped outside the conventions of world and said “No. I’m going to be different.”
Whatever else you do in your life, you have made one choice that sets you vastly apart from the crowd. You have made a statement to the world that you will ignore conventions if you believe it right to do so; if there is glory in it. You will be forever unique, for better and for worse.
And above all, you have done something different. You have broken the mold. And that is sure to bring you unexpected and different results. Enjoy your adventure.

Sunday, 25 January 2015

# 10. A Great Example Your kids - Awesome Benefit Of Waiting Till Marriage.

# 10. A Great Example Your kids.

Most parents get stuck on this dilemma: How do I make them do what I say, and not what I did when I was their age? Parents had their youth. They had their teenage sex and their pot smoking and all the trouble. Then they grew up, had kids, and suddenly got serious about morals and values.
But here’s the problem: You can tell your kids what you think they should do, but ultimately what you did is going to show through. You cannot escape the decisions of your own past and how they shaped your personality. It is that personality —and every decision attached to it — that’s going to rub off on your kids whether you like it or not.
The mom who sleeps around in her youth, then as an adult sticks her kids in church and espouses the virtues of waiting till marriage will most likely end up with one of those church kids who has sex in the bathroom in between youth group sessions (i.e., a holier-than-thou hypocrite that every rational kid hates).
Plus, if you’re trying to tell your child not to do something, they can instantly destroy the credibility of your point with this question: What did you do when you were my age?
What kind of answers will you have when your kids start asking those questions? What will rub off on your kids as far as relationships and sex goes?
If you wait until marriage to have sex, and you focus on having an obviously great relationship with your husband/wife, you will have a lot of solid ground to stand on when your kids start approaching that age. You want to be able to say “I saved everything for your father/mother. That’s partially why we still have such a great relationship, and why all of your friends’ parents are divorced.”
But again, it won’t matter much what you say. It’s what you did that will rub off. And in your case that will work in your favor.

A True-Story Example of America
My friend of friend’s parents, who we’ll call BOB and SUSIE, grew up in a small, highly-religious community (we’re talking near-Amish, from what I understand). When Bob and Susie fell in love and decided to get married, they had to follow the traditions of the town before their marriage could be condoned. First, they had to spend a year apart from each other without any communication whatsoever.
When they reunited a year later, they had to re-assess whether they still wanted to get married. They did. Then they had to stand naked in front of each other, to make sure they were physically OK with what they were getting into. They were. Then they were allowed to marry.
This was waiting-till-marriage to the extreme. Today, thirty years later, they’re one of the closest married couples I’ve ever known. Everything they do is as a team. And they seem to still have so much love for each other.
They are very calm, rational people. I’m close with their son, and there are no stories about them being over-bearing about religious behavior or anything like that. Looking at them, you’d never know that they had such structured religious upbringing.
Now, their kids: two girls and a boy. Both of the girls waited until marriage, and are two of the sweetest, most beautiful girls I have ever met. They are the kind of people that it’s impossiblenot to like because they are so unrelentingly kind-natured and caring. As smart, beautiful, and successful as each of the daughters are…they are also very, very good people.
The son didn’t wait till marriage. He rebelled for a little bit, as oldest sons often do. But you can still see those tight family values in him. He ended up marrying a girl who was waiting till marriage (he waited with her for six years while they dated). He worked harder at that relationship than I’ve ever seen somebody in their 20′s work at anything.
So you can see how having parents who waited can positively affect the relationships that their kids have throughout their life.
When you wait until marriage, you will pass your preference for committed, meaningful relationships on to your kids, and that’s a very wonderful gift to give them.

Saturday, 24 January 2015

# 9. A Deeper, More Committed Bond with Your Spouse - Awesome Benefit Of Waiting Till Marriage.

#9. A Deeper, More Committed Bond with Your Spouse

At the heart of sex is a sense of ownership. When you have sex with someone, you give them a little piece of yourself that they will forever own. But here’s the catch: You only have so many pieces to give away in this fashion, before you grow numb to the process; the pieces stop feeling as important.
Waiting till marriage means that you do not dilute this piece of yourself by giving it to a lot of people. You give it to one person; the person that earns your heart along with it. And for this they will forever own you, all of your pieces, in total. This is not just some symbolic fantasy — you will feel owned by them in the same way that they will feel owned by you (if they waited too).

Plus, you’ve spent your whole life living under the notion that there is one person out there who will complete you more than any other. Most people, waiting or not, have this notion. But you spent your whole life backing it up with action (i.e., not having sex until you found him/her).
Divorce and multiple marriages are not in your brain. They are so far removed from the waiting-till-marriage mindset that they exist only as a “wouldn’t that be horrible” scenario — not as any kind of viable option for consideration. You will think that because you waited, you will be a little exempt from the statistics (50% divorce rate) because you have so much more invested and will fight much harder to defend your investment. And you will probably be right.

In terms of marriage, you’re not sticking you’re toe in the water, ready to bail out at a moment’s difficulty — you’re diving in head-first with no thought of turning back. And when you do encounter trouble, you will do everything in your power to overcome it. You will stay the course much longer than many others, because you have more of yourself invested, and because that’s what you’ve prepared yourself for during all those years of waiting on this.

That deeper bond and heightened sense of mutual ownership that your waiting-till-marriage earned you will work in your favor. It will keep you both gravitating back towards each other. It will make you feel more like one person, which is a much harder thing to split.

This Video is for you my readers, must watch it ....

Wednesday, 21 January 2015

#8. A Sex-Filled Marriage - Awesome Benefit Of Waiting Till Marriage.

#8. A Sex-Filled Marriage

Many non-waiting people report that sex declines in frequency after the honeymoon.This is so common that it’s become a cliche; a joke that married men perpetuate. They will say things like “Yeah, we had sex all the time back when we were dating, but once you’re married…forget about it.”
If you gathered together all of the world’s stand-up comedians and said to them “no more jokes about married men not getting any sex,” you would leave many with a serious want for material, because half their act was jokes about married men not getting any sex.
So, why does this happen? Why are so many married people sexually unsatisfied? Why does sex slow down or stop after marriage in so many cases? Many couples therapists will say that  married couples (after a while) simply fail to treat sex as important. They take sex for granted.

When you wait until marriage to have sex, you spend your whole young life treating sex asextremely important. During your single years, this view that sex is highly important will strengthen your resolve. It will be the reason why you do not just toss away your virginity (original or re-claimed) lightly at the first opportunity or pressure. Because sex is important to you, you will stay the course until marriage.
Then, when you get married, this view of sex as being important starts to work very much in your favor, because sex stays important. You have years of hard waiting behind you serving as a constant reminder that what you have earned — this loving relationship and the physical intimacy that comes with it — is nothing to be taken for granted, especially not the physical part that you’ve waited so long for.
Plus, sex will be a whole new thing to you! When most people get married, they’ve already been having sex for a decade or more. Sex is old hat by the time they get married. They’ve done it all a thousand times over — with several different partners — before they even get to their honeymoon and the lifelong marriage that follows. So keeping things original and exciting in the bedroom can be a challenge at times. This is why the magazine racks at your local grocery store are peppered with promises to give you tips on how to “spice up” your sex life by adding new things.

For you, the person who waited till marriage, your kinkiness and “spiciness” tolerance will be laughably low. The act of having sex at all will be plenty “spicy” for you for a long time. You’ve never tried the basics before. You are a long, fun way off from having to reach for that magazine rack. Put simply: When you get married, you’ve got a whole lot of awesome sex that you haven’t ever had yet. And now you get to spend the first decade of your marriage catching up, instead of just burning out.

Tuesday, 20 January 2015

#7. An Incredible Wedding Day and Night

#7. An Incredible Wedding Day and Night

Most people do not wait until marriage to have sex. However, when those people reach their wedding day, many often suddenly wish that they had waited. You’ll hear guys reporting this of their fiancĂ©es several times over your life: “Yeah, she got a little emotional because she suddenly wished we had waited till marriage for sex.”
With some couples, one person (usually the girl) will cut off sex a few months before the wedding, so they can “wait” until the big day and then start having sex again. Again, the guys will gripe about this: “Dude! She’s making me wait now! She says no more sex until the wedding. Ugh.”
If you ask one of these people to explain why they wanted to cut off sex before the wedding (or why they feel pangs of regret about the fact that they didn’t wait in the first place) they will give you this answer: “Because I want our wedding day to be special.”
Why wouldn’t it be special anyways? You’re committing yourself fully to the person you’re going to spend the rest of your life with! That’s a special day under any circumstance, right? Why do you need to cut off sex until the wedding to make it feel “special?” Why doesn’t it feel special enough already?
I’ll tell you why it doesn’t feel special enough.

Because they’ve already committed themselves fully to the person they’re marrying. They’ve been in love, having sex, and (usually) living together for years now.
The wedding day is beautiful, but except legalities, it doesn’t change anything. It does not mark the end of one era (as separate people) and beginning of another (as one) as clearly as it’s supposed to. It’s just a fancy solidification of the lifestyle that they’re already living. After the wedding, they don’t go back to a new life — they go back to the exact same life.
And they know that if they wait on sex, even for a small amount of time, it will make the wedding more special because it will make the wedding feel like it marks a change for the better. It will mean the end of their (brief) time physically apart, and the renewal of their time physically together, and send their marriage off to a more romantic and sexier start. It will make the day more significant.
Most couples that cut off sex a few months before the wedding report afterward that they’re glad they did it. Even the guys will begrudgingly admit “Yeah, it was frustrating, but it definitely did make the wedding night and honeymoon a little more special.”
As you can imagine, if stopping sex for a few months leading up to the wedding makes the wedding noticeably more special and meaningful, then waiting your whole life without having sex until the wedding night makes the wedding spectacularly more special and meaningful — totally off-the-charts specialness.
For you, the person who waits, your wedding day and night will be everything every Hallmark card, every romance novel, every poem, every religious text, and every little girl’s fantasy says a wedding should be. All of the symbolism — turning from two lives into one, owning each other in every way, making a commitment with body and soul — will be physically real to you and present throughout your wedding day and night.
Others will reach their wedding day and find themselves thinking “Sigh…I kind of wish we had waited”. You will reach your wedding day and think “I’m so glad we waited!”

Saturday, 17 January 2015

#6. Meaningful Relationships - Awesome Benefit of waiting Till Marriage.

#6. Meaningful Relationships

At the heart of waiting till marriage is a yearning for greater meaning in all things, most of all marriage.
The end-goal of waiting is achieving a more meaningful marriage, but this ambition will trickle down into the friendship and dating relationships you enter into before marriage as well. People who wait till marriage tend to prioritize meaningfulness in all relationships much more than other people.

One night stands, casual flings, superficial friendships — these will be entirely foreign (and appalling) concepts to you. You pursue closeness and meaning in every relationship you have — platonic or otherwise. Now, this doesn’t mean that you will get deep meaning out of every relationship…just that you will try to get it. You will rarely be comfortable with a friendship or a dating relationship in which you don’t get to know the person very well.

You will get the maximum potential out of every relationship. Sometimes that won’t amount to much. Sometimes it will amount to everything.
Best Example of Trust in Relationship

And that’s the good news: when you aim for depth and meaning, you will frequently get it. Or you will move on until you do. Yours will be a life shared with the many wonderful people you’ve come to love — one most of all.

Friday, 16 January 2015

#5. The Ability to Dodge Bullets - Awesome Benefits of Waiting till Marriage.

#5. The Ability to Dodge Bullets

As you grow older, you will live to see people get shot down in flames. You will see friends catch awful sexually-transmitted diseases, and you will sense their sudden, inescapable devastation, as if they’ve been branded for life — and they have. You will see friends get pregnant accidentally, far too young; and watch as it totally stalls and redirects the course of their young life. You will know somebody who got an abortion, and you’ll see how inconsolably guilt-ridden they are about it.

You will see a friend give herself fully to a relationship and be destroyed beyond all repair when the guy turns out to be a shallow jackass, and it was all for nothing. You will watch as a friend stays trapped in a doomed relationship far past its expiration date — holding him/herself back from moving on and growing — just for the sex. And you will hear a thousand times the lamentation “I really wish I hadn’t slept with him/her”.

All of these pains and more are things that you will bear close witness to in others, but never have to endure yourself. You will be in many ways immune to them, above them, outside of their reach. You will pass through them like Moses walking calmly across the dry ground of the red sea, walls of water looming on either side.

Is a physical relationship important in love? If not, why is it limited to the body today?

If you mean physical relationship in love, before physical marriage, then my answer will be "no". !!!!!!  .  Love does not requi...