Thursday 29 January 2015

#11. Breaking the Mold - Awesome Benifit Of Waiting Till Marriage.

#11. Breaking the Mold

Einstein said that the definition of insanity was “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
Think of all the things in this age that are the same: Most people have sex before marriage. For most people, the divorce rate is increasing day by day. Most people complain of frigid, bland marriages that are sad, neutered versions of their pre-marriage relationships. Most people follow the rules and the norms of everyone around them, and as a consequence are carried through similar paths and predictable milestones, both good and bad. But not you.

You have stepped outside the conventions of world and said “No. I’m going to be different.”
Whatever else you do in your life, you have made one choice that sets you vastly apart from the crowd. You have made a statement to the world that you will ignore conventions if you believe it right to do so; if there is glory in it. You will be forever unique, for better and for worse.
And above all, you have done something different. You have broken the mold. And that is sure to bring you unexpected and different results. Enjoy your adventure.

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Is a physical relationship important in love? If not, why is it limited to the body today?

If you mean physical relationship in love, before physical marriage, then my answer will be "no". !!!!!!  .  Love does not requi...