Wednesday 11 February 2015

#3. Five Myths About People Who Wait Until Marriage to Have Sex

#3 – Oh you’re waiting? You must not have a sex drive.

The Myth

For somebody who regularly lets their sexual urges rule them, it can seem strange and totally unthinkable that there could be people out there who willfully ignore and redirect those urges. So strange, in fact, that such people must not really exist. Surely, nobody with a normal sex drive could muster the will to hold it at bay until marriage…they must just have a lower-than-normal sex drive. They must not be interested in sex. They must be frigid in some way.

The Reality

As most people on this site can assure you, people who wait until marriage have hormones and sex drives that rage just as hard as everybody else’s. The difference is that people who wait have prioritized (to the extreme) the desires of their heart and mind over that physical side of them. As much as possible, people who wait strive to redirect that part of themselves into productive ambitions until they meet the right person, at which point they can let the beast out of the cage.

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Is a physical relationship important in love? If not, why is it limited to the body today?

If you mean physical relationship in love, before physical marriage, then my answer will be "no". !!!!!!  .  Love does not requi...